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Insulation Installation


Free Loft Insulation Grants – are you eligible?  

Free Loft Insulation Grants

Your home could qualify for a Loft Insulation grant to cover the full cost of having insulation installed by an accredited installer. If you are in receipt of a qualifying benefit, you should be eligible for a loft insulation grant.

As energy bills continue to rise, Loft Insulation remains a cost-effective way to make savings of up to £150 per year on your heating bills by preventing up to 25% of your home’s heat from escaping through the roof.

Who Can Apply?

Homeowners and private tenants are entitled to grants, depending on their circumstances. Tenants will need written permission from the landlord before going ahead with the work, but we will take care of this for you.

Insulation Installation
Who Pays For The loft Insulation?

The money to pay for Loft Insulation comes from energy suppliers as part of a government scheme to reduce carbon emissions, known as The Energy Company Obligation (ECO).


An initial survey is carried out by an approved installer, the installer completes the work on the approved property and the installer then invoices the utility companies for the grant amount. If for any reason you don’t qualify for the full grant you could still qualify for a large contribution to the cost of the work, meaning a small amount is to be paid.


What is loft insulation?

Loft Insulation available on the current grant schemes is made from mineral wool (glass fibre). It is rolled out on the floor of the loft, in between and then across the joists.


It works like a blanket by trapping the rising heat in your home. It is also a little known fact that Loft Insulation will help to keep your home cooler in the Summer months, by preventing heat coming in through the roof.

Loft Insulation Grants also cover the cost of insulating and draught proofing the hatch, lagging any pipework and fitting a walk-board if there is a water tank situated more than 1m (3 feet) away from the hatch.

Start Your Eco Journey Here

To start reducing your carbon footprint and energy bills contact the experienced professionals at NGEI to see how we can help you.

Click the link below to get started.

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